

Sunbird AI Assistant Packages: Release 2.0.0

We are excited to announce the release of Sunbird AI Assistant packages, version 2.0.0. Users are encouraged to upgrade to the latest version to benefit from enhanced features, improved stability, and comprehensive support.

New Features

It contains the following services

  • sakhi-api-service

    • Enabling the chat APIs for conversational history

    • Generalising the language services to use either Dhruva Bhashini, Dhruva EkStep or Google Services

    • Generalising the AI Services to use either OpenAI (GPT4) or Azure OpenAI (GPT4)

    • Renaming audience_type to context as part of generalisation

    • Build fixes in the Dockerfile

    • Changes to environment variables

  • sakhi-telegram-unified-service

    • Enabling the chat feature as default option for Bot Interactions, that retains the conversation history

    • Renaming audienceType to context as part of generalisation

  • whatsapp-bot

    • Enabling the chat feature as default option for Bot Interactions, that retains the conversation history

    • Renaming audienceType to context as part of generalisation

Release Tags: (GitHub Packages)

Bug Fixes

Open/Known Bugs

Breaking Changes

  • Renaming / Refactoring the environment variables

  • Renaming audienceType to context as part of generalisation


  • Installation steps are same as before, one thing to ensure before installation is to check the environment variables as it has undergone refactoring as part of this release.

Build Tags




Last updated